Call Center Quality Assurance (QA) Traditional Approach

Call centers, which include internal company centers and outsource centers engaged by corporate clients, want to validate that the service being provided meets their quality standards. Traditionally, call center quality assurance involves evaluating a random sampling of calls for each agent. Evaluations utilize a specific set of quality criteria for the line of business being evaluated. Across the industry, we have found many centers do not evaluate enough calls for a statistically valid sample size. This is due to time and cost restrictions prohibiting companies from evaluating the necessary call volume.


Call Center Quality Assurance, an Expanding Landscape

Through an amalgam of technologies including advanced voice engines, natural language processing (NLP) and highly advanced pattern recognition, we have expanded the landscape of call center quality assurance.  This allows us to evaluate 100% of the call center volume and identify client specific scenarios and content that has high value or relevance. Determining what is relevant regarding the perception of quality of service, customer impacts and business drivers, is the decision support your operational leaders need.  Speech analytics and component technologies further enhance our reach from call center quality assurance to sales and marketing intelligence.


Human Interaction, Complexity and the Need for Deep Analysis

Collectively as a society, we do not have complete understanding of human-to-human communication. We try to understand questions such as why a customer perceived call center quality a certain way or what aspects drove their opinion? What elements of the agent’s communication played a role in forming their opinion? Try answering these questions by having five different people listen to the same call, and you may get five different answers, as you may have experienced in your own internal calibration sessions. Within human communications, a combination of our preconceived ideas, experience and culture have an invisible seat at the table of opinion formation.  Using AI, we can identify a wide range of scenarios, drivers and call center interaction outcomes. However, gleaning the deep underlying understanding of what has been identified requires deep analysis. We utilize both data and quality analysis teams to methodically identify underlying trends and perception drivers to validate and further train AI based technology. This allows for deeper inquiry that simply was not possible previously, due to time and technology constraints.


How More Complex & Deep Analysis is Now Possible

AI and associated speech analytics technology allows us to analyze the fundamental call center agent interaction expectations much more efficiently. In addition, it allows us to analyze a much larger data set, in most cases 100% of call center interactions. This is turn allows for additional time to be spent performing deeper analysis on specific call center scenarios, agent performance, anomaly and trend detection and analysis. Combined quality and data analyst teams provide a much richer and deep analysis of operations and call center quality assurance. This sheds light on what was once dark data. Now companies and organizations can bolster their understanding of everything from marketing effectiveness to the impact of call center service quality and drivers of customer perceptions.


Manage the Results, Not the Technology

Reading about the benefits of this new technology, some people might begin to calculate how many FTE’s they need to run to maintain such an effort. Sage Advantage allows you to leverage the technology and analytical skills to achieve a tremendous ROI, without managing the technology. This approach opens the door to organizations that historically would have been too small to afford an advanced solution. It scales efficiently to large multi-call center and multi-dimensional lines of business. A rapid deployment of combined technology and a Sage team that handles all the details and works closely with your team on every aspect of implementation to ensure sure a smooth timely start up.


Sage Advantage provides call center quality assurance, advanced analytics services and vendor management. Utilizing AI and machine learning technologies combined with human expertise. Schedule a call to discuss how we can help you get the most from call center services providers.  Watch our brief introductory video.