Quality assurance is a vital part of your call center
Call center outsourcing companies can help Scottsdale, Arizona based companies, and companies across the United States, staff their call centers. Staffing a call center can be an arduous task and monitoring that call center can be an even more difficult task. But, if you use call center outsourcing companies in your call center, having a team to monitor calls and perform quality assurance tasks is essential.
Sage Advantage can help monitor your call center to ensure they are providing quality customer service to your callers. With call centers being the first point of contact, if not the only point of contact, your customers may have with your business, knowing they are in compliance and offering quality service can help put your mind at ease.
Call monitoring leads to higher quality service in your call center
Call monitoring of your call center, even if you use call center outsourcing companies to staff it, can lead to higher quality service in your call center. One way in which Sage Advantage helps you achieve this goal is through the use of its analysis of your call center.
With the use of Sage Advantage’s propriety analysis system, Sage Analytics, you can find everything you need in one place. This allows you to get real time data that enables you to identify trends and take quick action as well as identify agents who are performing well or need some coaching.
Analytics also allows you to establish service measures for the agents so you can track progress and performance. Our analytics also enables you to get feedback from your customers on the service they received from the call center outsourcing companies representative who handled the call.
Quality certification can ensure your call center is performing at its best
You want to be sure your call center is performing at it’s best, especially if it is staffed by call center outsourcing companies. We offer Sage Advantage Contact Center Certification to help ensure the call center outsourcing companies are representing you in a professional, quality way. Our certification provides a variety of services to help these companies track their performance and identify areas of concern in real time.
Call center outsourcing companies benefit from QA based in Scottsdale, Arizona
Scottsdale, Arizona based company Sage Advantage can help ensure your call center is performing at its highest level. Using call center outsourcing companies to staff your call center can be beneficial, but it is important that you have a QA plan in place as well. Contact us or Evaluate Quality, owned by Sage Advantage, to learn more about the benefits of using our services or to set up a free, no obligation demo. We look forward to working with you.