Call center QA is a critical part of your call center’s success
Third party call center QA from Scottsdale, Arizona based Sage Advantage, can help you achieve your call center goals. QA is a critical part of any call center’s success. It allows you to identify and resolve issues quickly, provide necessary training, identify high performers, and more. But, it can often get relegated to the back burner in the light of other duties managers and supervisors have to do each day.
With Sage Advantage, you’ll gain a partner who works to become an extension of your QA team. We work with you to determine your goals, set measurable benchmarks, then help you achieve them.
Sage Advantage uses a variety of tools and services as part of call center QA
Third party call center QA by Sage Advantage is more than just listening to calls. We offer many different tools and services to help ensure your call center is providing excellent customer service to your customers. By having a call center that is running at its best, you can increase customer service, retain customers, and even increase your sales.
Call recording is just one aspect of third party call center QA. Though we do offer that service, we also provide other tools as well.
Customer surveys give you insight into how your customers perceived their interaction with the call center representative. Our analytics tools not only help you identify trends so you can take quick action but also help you plan so you can be sure you are properly staffed for each time of the day.
Coaching and training are an important part of call center QA
Listening to and reviewing calls are just one part of third party call center QA. Another essential piece of quality monitoring is training and coaching. At Sage Advantage, we offer coaching and training that will improve your call center’s customer service. We do reviews with your managerial team, provide feedback and determine a course of action for any necessary training. It also helps to identify high performers so they can be acknowledged.
Third party call center QA based in Scottsdale, Arizona
Scottsdale, Arizona area based company Sage Advantage is so much more than just a third party call center QA company. We are a part of your team. We work with you to ensure your call center is performing well. Plus, since there is always room for improvement, our team of experts can help with that too. To learn more about the benefits of using a third party call center QA program and learn more about the tools and services we offer, be sure to contact us today. You can also schedule a free demonstration at no obligation.