Third Party Call center QA- a positive customer service experience goes a long way
Third party call center QA, such as Scottsdale, Arizona based Sage Advantage, can help ensure your call center is providing the best customer service possible. Everyone has a horror story of a time they received less than stellar service when calling a call center. Many people who experience that end up going with a different company or not recommending friends and family to you. But, everyone also has a story of a time they received great customer service. A positive experience from your call center can save a situation and help you retain a valued customer.
Call centers are an important point of contact for your customers
Often, call centers are the first point of contact with your company for customers. Thus, it plays a vital role in the success of your business. If you find you don’t have the manpower or the time to give your call center the attention it needs, consider third party call center QA to help take on this task.
Call center QA with Sage Advantage creates an additional arm of your QA team
Some managers and company owners may not know what types of services third party call center QA companies offer, and how they work. At Sage Advantage, we aren’t merely a third party presence. Instead, we function as an extension of your quality assurance team. We work with you as a team with the shared goal of helping you meet, or even exceed your goals.
As a third party call center QA company, we offer a variety of services and tool that can be utilized to optimize your call center and give you the best results possible. Our cloud based software can help you optimize your call center by storing everything you need in one place. With the ability to house reports, analytics, and call recordings, as well as perform predictive analytics and live feedback, you’ll have everything you need to know about your call center at your fingertips.
Sage Advantage also offers customer satisfaction surveys to help you gain insight into your customers and how they feel their interaction with your agent went. Our coaching and training services not only benefit your agents with suggested feedback and training, it also helps develop your manager’s skills as we review progress with them frequently.
Third party call center QA- with Sage Advantage in Scottsdale AZ
Scottsdale, Arizona based company Sage Advantage offers a wide variety of tools and services to help your call center provide the best customer service possible. More than just a third party call center QA, we work with you as a team to define your goals, create a plan with clear objectives to help you achieve your goal, then work with you to meet your goals. To learn more about our services or to set up a free, no obligation demo, be sure to contact us today. Also check out Evaluate Quality, founded by Sage, and their online offerings today.